Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Why working from home is the next best thing

Unlike before, the work landscape has changed drastically. It has become increasingly harder to go to work under the conditions we are all in now.

For instance, traffic is becoming worse to the extent that it’s already a hassle to go to work. Moreover, it’s getting harder to deal with colleagues that don’t exactly have the right work ethics.

Luckily, there’s a solution for all these. And that’s working from home. Many companies have been adopting this strategy because of its benefits.

Here are the reasons why working from home is the next big thing:


Since we can only do so much at a given time, doing a job at home will give us less stress or less fatigue. On the other hand, we get more energetic and more creative because you’re comfortable at home and free from office noises. Moreover, you’re free from anyone constantly monitoring your work, which, in a way, can make you even more productive.

By working from home, you’re given much flexibility in terms of time and schedule. You have more time to do more jobs in a day. Travel time to the office can be used to do your work. Another bonus is that if you’re working from home, you’re not limited to a specific time frame. You can work anytime and even at night if you’re a night owl.

Moreover, people who work from home can go to appointments and do errands they need to do without having to file leaves. You can find many online jobs you can do from home if you just search for it.


Another advantage of working from home is getting more savings. Working from home means savings on transportation costs. You don’t need to pay for the train or bus to get to work. More so, if you use your own car, you don’t need to pay for gas and parking fees when you work from home.

Office attire won’t be a requirement as well when you start working from home. This means you can also save on apparel costs. At home, you can wear just plain shirts and shorts. No need to purchase fancy work shoes as well. If you have a child, working from home also allows you to save money by not hiring a babysitter.

On the company’s side, there are also many benefits if the employees start working at home. For instance, if you stay at the office, the company has to pay for the electrical bills for air conditioners, lights, office equipment, and rentals. So, this is another bonus for the company.

More Opportunities

People who are in sales or marketing can cover more customers through telemarketing. Instead of reporting for work in the office, you can cover new geographic areas or meet new customers.

You can help companies expand in new locations without physically setting up offices in all the new locations. The company can allow new employees to work in their location and just report through emails or any communication channels/software of the company.

Fewer Sick Leaves

People who work from home take a fewer number of sick leaves as compared to those based in the office. This is because employees who are mildly ill or have a little flue can still have work done in the comforts of their homes. However, employees who work in the office are more inclined to take leaves.

Talent Pool Expands

From the employer’s perspective, by having a pool of employees working from home, the company can hire anyone, wherever they may be based. This takes out location restrictions as to whom the company can hire. If the best talent is 500 miles across the world, the company can still hire them since they’ll be working from home.

The company can hire people whose resident is very far from the company to work from their home. In this way, they have opportunities to get people with the right skills for the company.


It is notable that technology cannot completely change human behavior. People get tired, depressed, burn out, exhausted, and many other work-related conflicts. Working in an enclosed office space with several employees close to each other can sometimes create an undesirable working environment. These are the reasons, among others, on why working from home is the next big thing.