Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

How to Show Off Your Employee Experience When Recruiting

X Tips for Showing New Recruits Your Employee Experience

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One of the most important aspects of recruiting is convincing your candidates that this is the best possible workplace for them. To do this effectively, you’ll need to showcase the employee experience your organization offers, and determine whether this is the best fit for both of you. But what’s the best way to show off your employee experience? And how can you tell if this is the best fit?

Employee Experience 101

First, it’s important to understand what employee experience is, and why it’s so important. Employee experience is the accumulated total of an employee’s interactions and experiences with an employer; it refers to how they feel during the onboarding and training phase, how they work on a daily basis, and how they think about the brand and the company at large. It’s not just about job satisfaction or working conditions; it includes a bit of everything.

Workplaces with successful employee experience strategies tend to have lower employee turnover, higher employee engagement, better employee productivity, and many other benefits. Notably, workplaces with positive employee experiences also tend to be highly sought-after—so they have a much easier time finding new candidates and recruiting.

Naturally, you’ll want to show off the employee experience your workplace offers to new recruits. So what are the most effective ways to do this?

Explain the Benefits

For starters, you can explain the straightforward perks and benefits that your organization offers:

  • Work culture. Talk about the nature of your workplace culture, and how employees enjoy it. Is this is a competitive, inspiring place, or someplace more laid-back and welcoming?
  • Hours and location. What type of hours are offered, and where are employees expected to work? How much flexibility is there for when and where employees work?
  • Flexibility and autonomy. One of the most important elements for employee happiness is autonomy—the sense that you have control over the work you do. If your organization offers employee flexibility and autonomy, make sure you highlight these features.
  • Healthcare, retirement, and other perks. Though they won’t be responsible for day-to-day experiences, be sure to mention perks for employees like health insurance, retirement benefits, and other institutions.
  • Training and education. Many modern employees want a path to continuously develop themselves as professionals. Make sure you talk about the training, education, mentorship, and other resources you provide to help employees do their best.

Show Off the Office

A list of benefits doesn’t tell you much about the workplace culture. For that, it’s best to give your recruit a firsthand, direct experience. Invite them to tour the office, and show them how people work on a regular basis. Introduce them to some of their prospective coworkers, and give them a sense of the office “vibe.” If you’re working fully remotely, this may not be feasible; instead, help them understand what working remotely might be like by showing them the communication tools you use on a regular basis.

Pay Attention to Your Communication

Remember, as a recruiter, you’re going to be serving as a representative for your company. In other words, employees will be thinking about their experience with you as a simulacrum for their experience with the company overall.

  • Respond promptly. Try to respond promptly whenever possible; answer questions from your recruits swiftly and directly, and be proactive with follow-ups where appropriate.
  • Provide clear, concise information. Try to communicate as clearly and concisely as possible. If your messages are confusing or poorly articulated, it could bode poorly for their future experience with the company.
  • Be polite, warm, and welcoming. Obviously, you should be polite, warm, and welcoming throughout the experience. It sets a more positive tone for the interactions to come.

Be Realistic

At the same time, it’s important to set realistic expectations about what it’s like to work for your organization. Don’t be shy about bringing up some of the weaknesses of your organization, or some of the things you’re working to actively improve. If you’re only telling employees positive things, they might be suspicious that you’re holding something back.

Be Prepared for Onboarding and Initial Training

Finally, prepare for a positive onboarding and initial training experience. Multiple studies show that onboarding is one of the most important elements for retaining and engaging talent; recruits who get a positive training experience tend to be better prepared for their jobs and more confident in their work. They also feel more valued, more supported, and more engaged with their employer. Don’t neglect this important aspect to employee recruiting.

The better you show off your employee experience to new recruits, the easier time you’ll have attracting new talent for your organization. Continue refining your practices, and gather feedback from recruits to learn more about your performance.