Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec connects to 140 premier sites and 3000 network sites

in the U.S., Canada, and Europe connects to 140 Premier Sites and 3000 Network Sites, the automated job board evaluation site and job-posting channel is now connected to 140 Premier sites and 3000 Network sites in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Benefiting most from this ongoing expansion will be the ATS companies and Recruitment Ad Agencies currently connected to the channel.

Since entering the posting market in 2000, has been working continuously to include the best job boards within its posting channel. Beginning with a core of 30 premier sites, has steadily added more quality boards in all the major niche categories and made a strong move into the Canadian and European markets.

Ken Isaacson, President of, commented on the milestone: Our number one goal is to satisfy the board needs of our partners. In doing so, we have created one of the most valuable posting channels in the market with connections to the top general, niche, diversity, college, and regional boards around North America and beyond.