Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

What Difference Does Recruitment CRM Make to A Company?

Recruitment agencies are almost like an extension of any company that has an HR department.

They are mainly responsible for a process that includes finding, attracting, selecting, interviewing, and onboarding employers into companies and job roles that are suitable and match the desired skill-set.

These external firms help organizations find the right candidate for the job and increase employee retention rates within any department. Employers hire them for their expertise and efficiency. This helps them to save both money as well as time because not all hiring managers have access to a pool of viable candidates, but recruitment agencies do.

When jobs are advertised directly by companies or through their internal networks, it can sometimes be difficult to find the right fit and may take weeks or even months to fill the position with someone who has the skills needed. In many sectors, especially the specialized ones such as engineering, medical, education, and scientific, the number of skilled workers is not as big and all the good ones have been hired by big brand companies. Suffice to say, it can be a challenge to do it yourself.

Recruitment sectors can help to personalize experiences through their technologies, thus making it much more effective finding people for jobs and within much quicker time frames as well. The difference is in a suitable software solution.

Does a CRM make a Difference?

There is no doubt that with the advent of technology, there have been plenty of improvements not just to individual lives but also to organizations. It has changed drastically and paved the way for numerous easier, faster, and better endeavors, as also laid out in this article. 

When it comes to the recruitment sectors as well, using the right type of technology has harnessed an immense power and driving force towards a more efficient workforce for many businesses. From personalizing candidate journeys to saving time and enhancing personal and professional experiences.

Tedious tasks that were once done manually by hand are now being done in a fraction of the time by automation. It is not just about how fast this has made things but also how much more work can be done and additional services being provided by this industry.

The simple answer then, to whether technology, specifically a CRM can make a difference, is apparent. For those in this business, collecting candidate data and information is only the first step. Everything from applicant CVs and resumes, to skills profiling, job profiling, ranking, social media profiles and more can all be harnessed via one portal.

It doesn’t replace human potential, but rather enhances it tenfold.


A Tracker Software

One example that comes to mind is tracker software, which is popular among only those who use it. This enables a company to use a 360-degree approach to help support many businesses. It is used in almost all aspects of a business: It focuses on every step of the process of hiring and has efficient capabilities that help to track a candidate and match them to a specific job based on their background, skills, qualifications, and profiles.

For someone to manually take all the above data of just one person and build a profile for them may take countless hours and even days, and when you think of the pool of people on the market looking for jobs, there are thousands.

With technology, this is made easier and possible with just a few clicks of a button. You can also avoid mishaps such as failed interviews, misplacing candidates in the wrong position, matching the wrong company to the candidate’s experience, and more.

Everything from attracting the right people, to sourcing them, reviewing and placing them onto a job, plus onboarding them is all done in one place. When you can’t find the right people, you need to source them, and with the right tools such as a recruitment CRM like this tracker, you can do everything and tap into a database full of vital information for a successful placement.

Automated workflows and sequences are just some of the capabilities of CRMs such as these. The good news is if you’re still considering whether to invest in one, some of the well-known brands, offer demo versions to their clients so you can see it for yourself and make a calculative decision on whether it is the right one for your placement company or not. Thereby avoiding spending unnecessary funds on something you don’t need. It’s a win-win for both parties.

One of the main reasons why people don’t find the right job is because the recruiters don’t do a thorough job of finding out who they are and what their preferences are. Many hiring companies attract people with high salaries and lavish office spaces, but when it comes to placing the right person for the job, that they can do, they miss the mark completely. The right tools can make a big difference to everything.