Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Tech & Learning

Technology innovations favor massive changes in all spheres of life

These advances affected and fundamentally transformed the health sector structure, entertainment, financial world, governmental institutions, and haven't bypassed the education sector. The development process makes our world better and more efficient. Cutting-edge technologies allow transforming methods of learning and teaching and the manner of conducting classes.

Technology in the Classroom

Ultimately, the world of education got Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning tools. The use of biometrics, 3D printing, and Cloud Computing technologies facilitates knowledge acquisition for students and educators. By using innovative equipment in the classroom, teachers succeed in encouraging and motivating students to participate in courses and discussions. Digital components have successfully blended into the learning process and have powered the material base of academic institutions considerably. New technologies favor involvement and make education more person-oriented. Advanced tools allow tracking each student's performance and success rate, and if necessary, emphasize topics that need to be restudied. Edtech tools make education more accessible by reducing expenses associated with learning materials.

  • Biometrics, for example, offers an excellent chance to adopt course materials to the needs of each student. This ingenious high tech tool analyses people's physical and behavioral features to establish students' disposition to specific learning methods. Contemporary science focuses on tailor-made approaches in the learning process instead of finding the universal solution. Each individual's biometrics signals are unique, so the only thing the technology can do is find ways to open innate talents and skills.
  • Augmented Reality glasses is another brilliant invention of scientists that upgrades education and opens unseen perspectives. AR glasses project data and images on top of what we see (the screen), enhancing real-world experience. It allows you to immerse yourself in the reality of historical events, geographical discoveries, chemical experiments, and even philosophical debates. Almost gaming experience motivates students to participate and get involved and curious to know more.
  • Cloud computing technology allows access to educational materials and resources worldwide. The only must-have thing is a computer with access to a global network. Audio and video lessons, academic assignments, written notes, and presentations are stored in the Cloud. Each student who has a key or a password can access it wherever he/she stays, whether at their home, campus or on vacation. It's a brilliant opportunity, taking into consideration specific conditions of the upcoming semester.
  • Adaptive learning allows students to choose activities based on their preferences, learning style/character, and behavior. It calculates specific learning abilities and skills to find the most effective approach.
  • The fifth generation of wireless technology brings benefits and unlimited opportunities for students and education in general. 5G allows you to download files with educational materials with unseen speed. The future is already here, a holographic teacher that precedes virtual discussion, other futuristic artificial intelligence innovations engage students to participate and stimulate academic performance.
  • Competency-based education is a trend of 2020. Educational technology, blended with traditional learning methods, permits students to master existing skills and learn new abilities regardless of the environment. The ability to study at one's own pace, get study or essay help can significantly improve student outcomes. Artificial intelligence analyses students' backgrounds and talents and offers the most appropriate way of knowledge acquiring. 
  • Learning analytics is a tool that empowers teachers to track students' progress and behavior to identify crucial targets for the improvement of academic programs. Changes and modifications of the existing programs are significant to guarantee the quality of education.

EdTech fills the gap between theoretical knowledge and practice, encouraging five essential learning practices that make efficient the understanding of any subject: processing, generalizing, reporting, applying, and, most important, experiencing. The development of technology favors quality and makes education more affordable and accessible to people of different backgrounds.

Top EdTech Tools

Let's take a look at the most effective Edtech tools for learning in 2020. Either you are a teacher or a student, a contemporary world requires in-depth knowledge of technology. The faster you get used to it, the more benefits it can bring you.


It is a powerful screencasting tool that allows designing online tutorials. Using this tool, you can easily create video content explaining complex concepts. The great advantage of iorad consists of gradual step-by-step exposure of the material; the student follows the tutorial while the teacher tracks the progress.


An excellent tool that stimulates students to participate in classroom discussions. Conducting a debate requires specific preparation and background knowledge of the discussed topic. Parlay disposes of video, written, and audio materials on multiple subjects. When a student chooses a topic, he/she gets access to this content. Responses should be submitted in written form, so a teacher can track each student's progress and properly evaluate it.


A unique set of creative tools allows exploring drawing, music, and other experiences using AI technology. People with disabilities can feel completely involved in a student's environment and create music using face, body, mouse, or keyboard. Another tool allows you to synchronize your movements to make music. Check one of these tools, and we guarantee that you will be excited: Seeing Music, Clarion Lite, Sampler, Keyboard, Body Synth, or Sound Canvas.


An extensive database of interactive activities helps teachers break the ice, motivate students, and favors team-building. Divided by activity type, program outcome, or learning theme, everyone will find the activity that matches expectations and requirements. For example, depending on the purpose, you can check an activity (ice-breakers, team-building, energizer, team-puzzle, reflection, etc.). playmeo covers a wide range of subjects starting from core ones like mathematics, languages, sciences, art, and music to soft skills practicing (communication, creativity, critical thinking, or leadership, etc.).

Technological advances undoubtedly enhance academic performance. The main challenge is to wisely combine the best of traditional education with cutting edge digital development.