Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

SARS blamed for drop in tourism job ads

The monthly Olivier Internet Job Index has noted a 9.6 per cent fall in the number of hospitality, tourism and travels jobs advertised online.<br>

The monthly Olivier Internet Job Index has noted a 9.6 per cent fall in the number of hospitality, tourism and travels jobs advertised online.
Olivier recruitment director Bob Olivier says this can be directly attributed to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
Overall, he says there was a 3.7 per cent rise in the number of jobs advertised for the month of April, which further underlines the impact on the tourism sector.
On a 12-month comparison, we're down 13.5 per cent compared to this time last year, he said.
You can't really think of any one reason other than SARS accounting for that variation.
The remainder of the economy is actually up 1.5 per cent.