Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Reliable Marketing Strategies to Automate Your Workflow and Speed Up Your Work Processes

As a marketing strategist or small business owner, you probably have a lot on your hands. If your business is growing (which it hopefully is), you’re likely finding it hard to manage the expectations of your ever-expanding user base.

At a certain point, you’ll either need to hire a few more people or invest in marketing automation to keep optimizing your digital content and manage your SEO and marketing campaigns.

This article will show you some crucial strategies for utilizing marketing automation and hacking your growth in 2022 and beyond. Let’s get started!

Actionable Marketing Automation Strategies

Automating your marketing workflow comes with a wide range of benefits, but it can be tricky to decide where to begin. We’ve looked at how some of the best social marketing agencies out there do it and compiled a list of proven strategies to achieve measurable results. Take a look!

1.Use Dynamic Content

Using dynamic content means customizing the images and text on your pages for each visitor, adapting to their characteristics, such as demographic data and in-session behavior. The benefits of this are two-fold:

  • Relevant content increases conversions and decreases bounce rate.
  • You can create personalized experiences, improving the overall UX.

Showing different content to each visitor based on their preferences sounds like a nightmare from a content management perspective, but automation can help a lot. Think about your Amazon or Instagram accounts. You’ve probably noticed that each time you log in, you’re presented with products or posts similar to things you’ve shown interest in before.

Dynamic messaging and can help you retarget users and significantly improve your conversion rates. Talk to a custom web page design company for ideas on how to personalize your messaging based on the past behavior of your users to increase engagement and conversions.

2.Send Automated Abandoned Cart SMS messages

On average, roughly 70% of online carts are abandoned. This means ecommerce businesses lose a whopping $18 billion each year on abandoned carts alone, according to Forrester Research. What if we told you that, instead of worrying about every abandoned cart, you could turn it into an opportunity?

Just because a prospect didn’t complete their purchase doesn’t mean they’re no longer interested in the product(s). They might have abandoned their cart for any number of reasons, such as their preferred payment option not being available, their wi-fi connection suddenly tapping out, or their phone buzzing with a new DM from their crush.

If you set up an automated system that sends SMS messages to users who have abandoned their carts over the past few days, you could capitalize on many of what could have been missed opportunities. Give your potential customers the option to pick up where they left off in their checkout, perhaps even offering an alternate payment option to make the process even more straightforward.

3.Touch Base with Prospects Through Targeted Email Campaigns

Do you have a few old customers who haven’t returned in a while? Chances are you do, in which case you might want to reach out to them via a win-back email campaign. It can’t hurt to let your customers know how much you’ve missed them.

You can set your email tool to automatically trigger campaigns for users that haven’t been seen on the site in a certain amount of time. Make sure to use a compelling subject line, along with high-value content and an engaging CTA. You might even want to include an incentive such as discount offers or reduced membership fees.

You can also try to remain on your users’ minds long-term through a sequence of win-back emails.

4.Improve Customer Service with Chatbots

Customer service is becoming the focal point for almost any business, and it requires companies to employ an ever-increasing number of people to tend to their customers. This can result in a decrease in revenue, but thankfully, the introduction of chatbots allows businesses to set up a robust front line and take care of those customers with more generic and easy-to-solve problems.

That’s not all, though. Chatbots can also be highly useful in retail, allowing you to offer a highly personalized experience to each shopper.

5.Segment Your Prospects to Make More Sales

Segmenting your audience allows you to offer each group what they’re looking for. This enables you to improve your conversion rate by offering different solutions based on common factors such as profession, age, engagement level, location, etc.

For example, you may send different newsletters to two groups based on their interests. To send the right message to the right group, you would use your automation software to separate your audience into two categories. This is the most basic example, but segmentation can be performed on several levels, not only through lists but also custom fields and tags, making your messaging highly relevant and targeted at particular groups of people.

Closing Thoughts

The simplest way to begin taking advantage of automation in your marketing efforts is to hire a digital marketing agency with lots of experience in the field. The experts employed there will show you how to set up targeted and personalized automated campaigns, improving your marketing results in no time.

Besides easing your workload, automation helps you target the right prospects at the right stage of their buyers’ journeys. This enables you to personalize your content, resulting in improved user satisfaction, higher engagement and increased revenue.