Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

REC Positive About AOLR - 05/2000

Partnership Expected

Concern expressed in some quarters that the REC was seeking to undermine the AOLR, the Association of Online Recruiters, has been allayed by Tim Nicholson, CEO of the Recruitment
and Employers Confederation. Speaking exclusively to Online Recruitment, he enthused about a partnership saying we will be pursuing this as fast is it possibly can be done.

Welcoming the attitude of the REC, Don McKintosh, UK General Manager of Top Jobs, commenting on behalf of the AOLR, said A year ago, when we first set up the AOLR, it was clear who actually provided online recruitment services. A year later, it is not clear where the dividing line is. Weíve had interesting discussions with the REC and are intending to jointly draft a code of conduct. We hope to have further talks with them to see how this is going to proceed.