Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

New services for foreign companies in English language

The English version of was launched in July 2003 to satisfy the needs of itís foreign clients. Profesia has done this in reaction to the rising number of a foreign companies searching for new employers in Slovakia through Profesiaís website.

Consequently, from July 2003, companies can register on the website, publishing job offers and searching the database for potential applicants in the English language. The site also gives a combined alternative by giving companies companies the ability to use the Slovak version of the site but filling in job offers in English language. Job applicants will also have the same ability to select their language. Also the Profesia weekly newspaper, which gives timely information about the job market will, in the future, offer the ability to publish advertisements in foreign languages.

The English version will be followed very soon by a version in German. has for a long time been the largest Slovak jobsite. Up to now more than 14,000 companies have used Profesiaís website services and published more than 140,000 job offers on its pages.