Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Innovative Ideas in Finance: A Look at TED Speakers Changing the Game

When TED speakers deliver speeches, their focus is on ideas worth spreading.

The term 'TED' stands for 'Technology, Entertainment, and Design,' though many speakers go beyond these three fields. The goal of TED is to showcase new research and ideas that can improve people's lives. 

Speakers want to promote their findings to a global audience and can do just that through the TED platform. Some speakers, in particular, are going out of their way to spread the messages they have. Their aim is to positively impact people's lives, not just now but in the future too.

Money Matters

Right now, there are all sorts of financial issues affecting people around the world. These include rising costs for basic things, unstable housing markets, and job uncertainty. The TED speakers who are changing the game in early 2023 offer solutions to money matters. 

Many Americans need reliable financial advice. But they don't know where to get it. Or the advice they receive isn't right for them. Let's face it: not everyone knows how to manage money. 

Thankfully, many top-quality services can help with money-related issues. Seeking advice from sites such as FitMyMoney can be worthwhile because they offer plenty of advice and useful strategies. All the help they give is tailored to a customer's needs. 

TED Speakers Changing the Game

The TED speakers who are making waves at the moment are those talking about money honestly and openly. Here are some speakers and their money-focused TED talks that are getting people talking.

Shlomo Benartzi - Saving for Tomorrow, Tomorrow

In this talk, Shlomo looks at the key topic of saving. Because of various problems worldwide, people are more concerned about their finances than ever. In 2021, average household expenditure was up by 9.1% compared with the previous year. Households are spending a lot more on things such as housing, healthcare, and entertainment, mainly because of inflation. 


It means households can't save as much as they'd like. Shlomo talks about how so many Americans prefer to spend now than save and spend later. He looks at why people don't end up saving money and offers solutions to get people in the right mindset.

Courtney Martin - The New American Dream

Courtney talks about how for the first time ever, American parents think their kids will be worse off than they are. She relates to the American dream, of course, and talks about a more modern version. 

This updated idea isn't about getting the perfect job, house, and lifestyle - many of these things are out of reach for many Americans. Courtney discusses how people today have different versions of the dream. They're not necessarily aiming high and are making their goals more realistic. 

To sum up her talk, it's about how you don't just have to follow the American dream. There are other ways to live and still be happy and successful. Having the same mindset and goals as everyone else just isn't practical or realistic these days. Everyone's own dream is unique to them. 

David Burkus - Why You Should Know How Much Your Co-Workers Get Paid 

This talk is on the rather sensitive subject of colleagues' salaries. In it, David promotes the idea of pay transparency and lists some positive aspects. When salaries are open knowledge, employees tend to work harder and are less likely to quit. If wages are kept private, this can result in negative things such as feelings of being undervalued and even discriminated against.

David leans towards salaries being made public. He wants companies to be productive and staff to feel valued. If employees are open about their pay, they could also become more open about other things. It could result in a workforce becoming much friendlier, more cooperative, and more efficient. 

Cameron Herold - Let's Raise Kids to Be Entrepreneurs

The subject of this talk is kids and how teaching them entrepreneurial skills can pay off later in their lives. Cameron thinks that too many kids who could be great entrepreneurs are going down the wrong path. 

He suggests that if someone shows skills in this particular area, their parents shouldn't ignore it. Instead, they should allow their kid's entrepreneurial side to flourish. Parents should tell their kids that being an entrepreneur is a great profession to have. They should talk about it positively and encourage their kids to start their own ventures, even if it's a simple stall selling household items. 

Geoff Mulgen - Post-Crash, Investing in a Better World

In this talk, Geoff discusses making investments after a financial disaster. When markets crash and the economy shrinks, this can make investors less likely to part with their money. What concerns people is that they won't see any returns. They'll invest in something, and somewhere down the line, it will go wrong. 

What Geoff focuses on is how you should look for opportunities. Even if there's been a financial crisis of some kind, there can still be worthwhile investments. They may not be clear straight away, but they're still there. 

The trick is to spot them and act on them before other people do. Yes, there can be a lot of uncertainty, but you have to look on the flip side and see potential, even if others don't see the same. 


What these TED speakers have in common is that they're making money problems easier to talk about. Their talks give people enough motivation and confidence to speak up about issues to do with money. Whether it's salaries, savings, or spending, there are all sorts of matters that people need help with. 

TED speakers make that help a lot more accessible through their speeches. Their talks aren't too long, but they include enough relevant information and guidance to make a difference. By watching some of them, you'll be more clued up on money matters. Plus, you'll make better decisions and spend your money more sensibly.