Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

How to Reduce Your Tax Burden with a Business Tax Advisor

As a business owner, it is crucial to understand the many different ways that tax impacts your company. Taxes can be complicated and confusing, but you can reduce your tax burden in several ways with the right tax advisor. This article will go over some of why hiring a professional tax advisor is so crucial for any small business.

What is a business tax advisor, and why do you need one?

A small business tax advisor is an accountant or other professional who provides advice to help you identify and reduce your taxes. A qualified tax advisor will be able to review all of the ways that taxes can impact a company, including payroll and sales taxes, and offer up specific suggestions on how you might be able to lower expenses related to these categories.

The goal of any good business tax planner is to find ways for lowering your current taxable income and make sure it stays low in the future so that you don't have hefty penalties down the line. So if you are wondering if it's worth hiring a tax advisor near me? The answer will be a resounding yes. This specialist will help you not only in dealing with the current tax year but also for future years; it's a great way to make sure your company never pays more than it should.

How can a business tax advisor lower my company expenses?

A qualified professional will be able to identify areas where your business is spending too much money and offer strategies to spend less or get better value from these items so that you have more funds available while staying compliant with IRS guidelines.

There are many different ways this may happen: 

They'll look at all of the aspects of payroll taxes, including employer contributions and deductions and employee benefits like health care insurance plans, etc., which can lead them to identify potential savings opportunities throughout those categories.

They'll review sales tax-related expenses and be able to help identify ways to save on these taxes or how you might be able to lower your prices to avoid them. They will also look at specific areas such as state income taxes which may have less impact for a business with no employees but can create a significant expense for larger organizations.

A good advisor will also offer suggestions about where else the company is spending money that could be diverted elsewhere; this goes beyond just payroll and sales taxes, so if you're wondering whether it's worth hiring an accountant near me? This professional can provide strategies that are much more comprehensive than dealing solely with taxation laws.

The benefits of working with a qualified professional include:

  • Reduced chances of being audited by the IRS and paying fines or penalties.
  • Able to help you prepare for future years with new tax laws that affect your company.
  • Help identify ways to reduce expenses, which could result in a significant reduction in taxes owed at year-end. This is especially helpful if you are looking at what's best for a small business near me as they may not have a significant headcount but still need accountants who understand how taxes can impact their bottom line.
  • Provide strategies for increased cash flow so that you don't run out of funds before the next payday hits. When this happens, it becomes more difficult to pay employees and ensure compliance with payroll tax laws.
  • Offers strategies to help you comply with IRS guidelines for deductions and saving money on taxes so that your company doesn't end up in the red at year-end.
  • It helps you identify potential tax evasion dangers before they become a severe issue for your business's future.
  • Can offer assistance if an employee needs guidance through unemployment or retirement benefits.

How to find the best business tax advisor for your needs

The first thing to do is find a business tax advisor who will have your best interests in mind. Next, make sure they are accredited and registered with the IRS. Then, make sure you ask them about their credentials, experience, background, insurance coverage, and what services they offer. Ask for references too! Finally, check out online reviews to be safe.

What should I know about my taxes before hiring an accountant? 

There are some things to know about your taxes before you hire a tax advisor. First, you should always ask them what they will do with your information and how it is protected and whether or not they charge for phone consultations. 

You should also be clear on the fees that apply based on your specific needs- if there are any special rates available, make sure you get all of this in writing!

There's nothing worse than being charged more later because you weren't given an upfront price quote. However, asking questions and getting answers upfront can help alleviate many problems down the line that may lead to expenses you didn't account for (or want!) 

What type of accountant would suit my needs?

There are different types of accountants - each with its specialization. You might want a CPA, EA, or an ACCA (or all three!) to get the most comprehensive tax services for your company. You must know what type of accountant will suit your needs best before making any decisions.

Final words

Understanding the importance of hiring a tax advisor early in the life of your business will help you reduce potential tax burdens and improve cash flow. With the benefits mentioned above, it is worth considering a tax advisor for your business.