Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

CIPD Survey on age, pensions and retirement

out 21.3.03

On Friday 21 March The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) will release its first survey on age, pensions and retirement.

Age, Pensions and Retirement: Attitudes and Expectations will explore attitudes towards working and retirement in the UK. It will reveal that people are far more likely to feel that they have been discriminated against on the grounds of age rather than race or sex. It will also reveal what kind of provision people are making for their retirement and how much they trust their employers (in both the public and private sector) to look after their pensions interests.

The survey shows that less than half of the respondents (45%) are aware of the public consultation being carried out by the government about new pensions proposals.
However, two-fifths of the sample said that newspaper headlines had made them more aware about pensions and the need to save for their futures. Older respondents were more likely to have acted on this and begun to make provisions.