Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Assessing I.T. Technical Skills using TeckChek


Next time you recruit IT staff TeckChek says it can help in your recruitment processes and ensure applicants have the skills they claim.

TeckChek is a global provider of vendor-independent IT skills tests. With a library of over 160 computer-based, adaptive exams, TeckChek provides a comprehensive technical proficiency profile for each test taker, including raw scores, percentile scores and strengths and weaknesses in the advanced technology being tested.

The results show the test takers current ability in five different categories including work-speed/productivity. They list particular strengths and weaknesses in the skill being tested and they compare the test taker to every other person in the world that has taken the same test.

You will be able to objectively compare candidates/applicants, know their particular strengths and weaknesses and know their percentile ranking in what is now a global marketplace. You will be able to make better recruitment decisions.