Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Working Online

If you are considering changing your career path or boosting your income, now is the time to explore all the possibilities of working remotely.

There’s been a 159% growth in remote work for the past 12 years and it’s easy to understand why: it’s more productive, cost-effective, and convenient for everybody. In fact, a survey involving 1,900 remote employees showed that 9 out of 10 plan to work remotely for their entire careers and 94% recommend it for their friends, family, and colleagues. 

If this isn’t convincing enough for you then check out these 6 reasons below:

Flexible Schedules 

One of the most appealing aspects of working online is the flexible schedule it can offer. Unlike traditional office jobs, remote workers are not limited to a set number of hours per day or week. Instead, they can create schedules that work best for them and their lifestyle. This means you don't have to sacrifice time with family and friends - or any other personal obligations - to make a living.

The flexibility of working remotely also allows you to work when you are more productive and energized. For example, if you're an early bird who likes getting up early, then you can start your workday earlier than usual and finish sooner so that you have time later on in the day for other activities. Similarly, if you're a night owl who likes to stay up late, you can take advantage of this and do your work when it fits best.

The freedom that comes with creating your schedule is invaluable. You can shift specific responsibilities to coincide with when you feel most productive. Working online lets you choose how and when to get things done without worrying about fitting into a predetermined office job schedule.

Additionally, remote workers can travel anytime without worrying about their jobs. As long as internet access is available, many digital nomads can continue their work while traveling abroad or within their own country. Not only does this allow them to explore new places and cultures, but it also allows them to take advantage of different time zones to get more done.

Overall, the flexible schedules that come with working online can be a massive benefit for those who want greater control over their workflow. With this schedule, you can ensure you're constantly feeling productive and engaged while doing something you enjoy. Whether you like getting up early or staying late, having the flexibility to work when it suits your lifestyle best is an invaluable perk that no traditional office job can provide.

Better Cost Savings

You also get more than just an excellent work-life balance. Another big perk of working remotely is the potential for cost savings. When you work from home, you reduce expenses like gas, workplace attire, and childcare, which can add to substantial savings over time.

On top of no commute costs, fewer taxes, and lower overheads such as rent or electricity bills, you also save on office equipment and technology expenses since you can use free software applications or access various remote tools. Alternatively, you can invest in paid software and tools because of your other cost savings.

Because of these benefits, many workers who choose to work remotely enjoy greater financial freedom as they can dedicate more money towards their chosen lifestyle or a retirement fund.

For starters, when your commute consists of a few steps from bedroom to home office, you won't put any wear and tear on your car or spend money on public transportation daily. Furthermore, you can save on wardrobe costs without worrying about fitting into a specific dress code or buying new clothing for every season or event.

Additionally, if you have children who require care while you are at work, shifting to remote work may enable you to avoid the high cost of daycare. By working from home, you can take care of your family and work simultaneously - reducing the need for outside support.

Shifting to a remote job can help you save money while maintaining a steady income. And with this extra money that you're saving, you're free to allocate it towards more meaningful activities like hobbies or travel experiences. 

So whether you're looking to save on commuting costs or childcare expenses, working remotely can help reduce your financial burden and allow you to use that money however best suits your lifestyle goals.

Finally, working from home allows many professionals to pursue freelance or contract work, which often pays higher rates than a regular job. This can help digital nomads earn more money while still having the flexibility of working remotely.

Higher Growth Potential 

Beyond cost savings comes higher growth potential. With the flexibility and freedom that comes with a remote job, you can pursue opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible in a traditional office setting. Many online jobs can open up a world of possibilities for professional growth.

Investing in your skillset is one way to take advantage of growth potential. Working from home offers more free time to focus on learning new technologies or techniques related to your field, which can help advance your career without changing employers. 

Additionally, remote work can also help you gain international experience. By taking on jobs from different countries, you can expand your network and develop a more comprehensive understanding of the global market. This insight is invaluable for any professional looking to advance their career.

Finally, working remotely often provides access to higher-level positions or innovative projects that may not be available in a traditional office setting. As many companies look towards embracing digital transformation, they'll need experienced professionals skilled in online collaboration platforms who can work independently - something you can easily demonstrate as a remote worker.

Freedom of Location

Unlike a traditional job, you're not limited to one particular office or city - you can live and work anywhere worldwide as long as you have an internet connection.

For many digital nomads, this means they can pursue their passions while still maintaining a steady income. By taking on online jobs from different countries or cities, they can explore new places and experience cultures that may have otherwise been inaccessible.

Additionally, with the rise of coworking spaces and remote-friendly communities, it's become increasingly easy for digital nomads to stay connected to their peers wherever they travel. This opens up collaboration and knowledge-sharing opportunities that can help further career growth or new business ideas.

Beyond personal preferences, having freedom of location also makes economic sense. By taking advantage of lower cost-of-living areas or cities with a favorable exchange rate, you can save money while still having access to high-quality jobs. And if you ever decide you want a change of scenery, all you have to do is hop on a plane and start anew somewhere else.

Finally, working remotely often provides access to higher-level positions or innovative projects that may not be available in a traditional office setting. As many companies look towards embracing digital transformation, they'll need experienced professionals skilled in online collaboration platforms who can work independently - something you can easily demonstrate as a remote worker.

Access to global markets 

By leveraging the internet and digital collaboration platforms, you can easily connect with clients, colleagues, and other professionals worldwide, regardless of location. This opens up opportunities for international collaboration on projects that may have been available with physical proximity in the past.

 For businesses or freelancers specializing in creative services such as web design, software development or IT staffing, having access to a global client base can mean higher profits and more diverse work experiences.

Moreover, as technology continues to evolve, more and more business operations are being conducted online. This means remote workers can take on tasks or projects in any part of the world without worrying about cultural or language barriers in traditional office settings. 

Furthermore, with advancements in communication tools such as video conferencing and digital whiteboarding sessions, it's become more accessible than ever to collaborate effectively with remote teams no matter where they're located. This provides an excellent opportunity for businesses, freelancers, and other professionals to benefit from the global expansion talent pool without worrying about physical limitations.

Increased Efficiency 

Studies have shown that remote workers are more productive due to the lack of distractions and interruptions associated with traditional office settings. With fewer distractions and a more relaxed environment, focusing on tasks more entirely for long periods is possible. This helps minimize wasted energy, allowing you to complete more in less time.

Working remotely also gives you greater control over your workflow. Without worrying about office politics or other forms of distraction, it's easier to stay organized and prioritize tasks appropriately - ensuring that the most critical projects are completed first.

You can continuously improve your workflow by streamlining your routine when working from home. This allows you to be more productive and take on different tasks or roles effectively. Learning how to facilitate will enable you to continuously use remote work as a platform for growth, from taking additional classes to developing a personal portfolio.

Moreover, the flexibility of remote work makes it easier to customize your working hours to fit your lifestyle. For example, if you prefer to work late at night or on weekends, you can easily plan your schedule around those times without worrying about being in an office from 9-5. This helps ensure you can always complete tasks when needed - and with minimized stress levels.

Additionally, with remote work comes the opportunity for increased collaboration between team members across different time zones. By leveraging digital tools such as video conferencing and instant messaging, people worldwide can collaborate in real time - allowing for a more efficient workflow.

Finally, remote work also helps reduce overhead costs associated with office space and other physical necessities. This makes it possible to spend less on technology, such as video conferencing software and collaboration tools - making it easier to focus resources on the most critical tasks.


So if you are considering changing your career path or boosting your income, now is the time to explore all the possibilities of working remotely. Be sure to share this blog with anyone who might benefit from learning more about how they can start leveraging remote work!