Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

4 Ways Businesses Can Make Their Staff Happier

When you’re running your own business, your employees are the backbone of the company, and their satisfaction and happiness at work will have a huge impact on how successful you can become.

Happy, satisfied employees are more productive in the workplace and are less likely to be looking elsewhere for a new job, meaning that you can enjoy a low staff turnover and more loyal, dedicated employees who are willing to go the extra mile for a business that treats them well. But what can you do to keep employees happy at work?

Great Culture

Workplace culture isn’t just about free food and a coffee machine in the office – although that can be nice, too. It’s important to understand that small perks don’t make up for an otherwise toxic culture. Focus on creating a great culture in the workplace where everybody accepts each member of the team for the unique individual that they are and celebrates their success. A culture of trust, understanding, and respect is always more effective at boosting employee happiness and satisfaction over the long term than free donuts!


A little bit of friendly competition in the workplace can be a fun way to boost morale and encourage better teamwork. Whether you turn the work itself into a competition between teams or set up team-building exercises that aren’t work-related, like researching a casino online where employees can play against each other at their favorite games, a little bit of fun and competitiveness can be a great way to give everyone a boost.

Remote Work

After the COVID19 pandemic, both businesses and employees have begun to realize the benefits of remote working. During the lockdowns, businesses had no choice but to allow employees to set up home offices and work from home, which quickly began to lead to various benefits including employees who were happier, less stressed, and more productive. In a post-COVID world, employees need to have a good reason to ask employees to come into the office, with many employees preferring a hybrid working option where they can choose to either work from home or go into the office, depending on what works best for them.

Recognition and Appreciation

Last but not least, employees who don’t feel that any of the hard work that they are putting in is recognized or appreciated at work are unlikely to last very long. Maybe they will simply stop working so hard or start looking for a new job where they will feel appreciated. Taking the time to recognize individual contributions and listen to employee opinions and ideas can make all the difference when it comes to creating that great workplace culture mentioned earlier. Employees who feel that they get more out from what they put in than simply their basic rate of pay are more likely to be satisfied, productive, and loyal members of the workforce.

These days, the Great Resignation has highlighted that satisfaction and being treated well in the workplace is one of the main things that employees are looking for in a job.