Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

4 Valuable Tips for Working With Your Personal Injury Lawyer

The last thing that you want to do is attempt to settle a personal injury claim on your own.

As soon as possible, you should hire legal counsel and place the matter in that lawyer’s hands. In order to improve the odds of things going smoothly, you also want to commit yourself to working closely with your legal counsel. Here are some examples of how you can work with your personal injury lawyers and worth together in hopes of achieving the best possible outcome.

Tell Your Lawyer Everything That Comes to Mind

Now is not the time for you to be making decisions about what your lawyer should and should not be told. The best approach is to tell your lawyer everything that may have any type of connection with the injury. No matter how insignificant something may seem, it could turn out to be something your lawyer needs to know now rather than later.

There’s a good chance that some of what you share will not be relevant to the case. There’s an equal chance that something you feel isn’t important will mean a great deal to your legal counsel. If your legal counsel has that information on hand, there’s no chance for the opposing party to bring it up and leave your lawyer wondering why this information was not shared before.

Make Sure Your Lawyer is Up to Date on Medical Reports and Treatments

Do make sure that your doctor, physical therapist, and anyone providing health care services to you know that your legal counsel should have access to new information about your condition. The goal is to ensure that your lawyer is always up to date on your current status and what sort of ongoing care you will need. This type of information makes it easier to determine what sort of settlement to seek, based on the projected expenses for your care in the future.

Be Careful About Discussing Your Case With Others

While you want to tell all to your Markham car accident lawyer, no one else needs to know all the details surrounding the injury or how your legal counsel is planning on seeking a settlement. By saying less in front of others, you decrease the odds of something getting back to the responsible party. Even if the information does not lose something in the transition, the other side doesn’t need to know what you and your legal counsel are discussing. Keep to generalities when someone asks about the case. Better yet, tell them that you’re not discussing the details with anyone other than your lawyer.

Return Calls Emails and Texts as Quickly as You Can

When your lawyer calls, emails, or uses some other means to contact you, make sure you respond as quickly as possible. Your legal counsel is not likely to reach out unless there’s a need to speak with you now rather than later. While it may be one simple question that needs a quick answer, it could just as easily be something that needs to be discussed in detail immediately.

Remember that your personal injury lawyer is there to seek the best possible settlement for your case. Pledge your complete cooperation and follow up that pledge with action. Doing so will improve the odds for bringing the matter to a close and ending up with a reasonable settlement.