Westtek Solutions Ltd (Security Everywhere Ltd)


No-one wants to be the victim of cyber-crime but people don’t know how to protect themselves. We help small businesses secure their money, data and reputation with managed security services. They’re affordable and easy to use, so you can forget about getting hacked and focus 100% on running your business.

We know you want to get on with running your business without worrying about losing your money, data or your reputation to cyber-attack.

The problem is you don’t know how to protect yourself and don’t have time to find out, which makes you feel helpless. 

We believe everyone deserves the freedom to focus on their business and shouldn’t lose sleep worrying about how to find the right cyber security protection. 

That’s why we spent years researching and selecting the best security products on the market to protect you. They’re affordable and easy to install so you can reduce your risk straight away.

Our team has over 60 years of fighting cybercrime so we're consulted by the FSB, the National Cyber Security Centre, The Home Office and other leading institutions seeking advice and expertise in the war on cybercrime. 

Now we'd like to help you.

Here’s how we do it:

Take the free Security Everywhere Cyber Health Assessment to understand your exposure to cyber-attack and what you need to do to protect yourself. https://quiz.security-everywhere.com/yourcyberquiz

Always be Cybersafe

Francis West

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