Oil and Gas JobSearch.com


Oilandgasjobsearch.com is the world's premier Oil, Gas and Energy industry job site.

Over 2 Million registered Oil, Gas and Energy professionals trust us to source their next role. We send 5 million job alerts every month with relevant roles for our site users based on their specified requirements, and drive over 200,000 applications per month. No other Energy industry site can drive quality applications like Oil and Gas Job Search.com.
We are industry thought leaders, publishing our own annual Energy Outlook guide to enable candidates to find out just how much they are worth and give recruiters insights on upcoming recruitment trends within the industry.
Wind, Solar, Wave, Hydro-electric, Geothermal, Biomass, Hydrogen, Nuclear, Oil or Gas, you can advertise your jobs globally to over 2.1 million Professionals on our site.
Oilandgasjobsearch.com is part of CareerBuilder, a global, end-to-end human capital solutions company. That means that we combine the best in advertising, software and services to help companies find, hire and manage great talent.
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