Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

New Survey Finds Four-in-Ten Employers Feel Their Workers Are More Productive Today Than Pre-Recession

Career expert offers tips on preventing „burn out‰ associated with high performance at work

While employers are happy with the increase in productivity at their organization, they realise it may be coming at a cost ∑ worker Œburn out‚. A new survey of more than 100 UK business leaders reveals that while four-in-ten (40 per cent) employers think their workers are more productive today than pre-recession, 36 per cent also think their workers are experiencing Œburn out‚.
„The recession produced consequences not just for those who lost their jobs, but also for the employees who had to complete their work as well as taking on much more as a result of leaner staffs,‰ said Tony Roy, president of CareerBuilder EMEA.  „While increasing productivity from a leaner workforce is a sign of organisational agility, it‚s unlikely such yields can hold forever. Employers and workers will need to work in tandem to prevent stress levels from turning into Œburn out‚.‰

If a worker‚s less-than-stellar performance these days is the result of Œburn out‚, Roy recommends they try the following steps to unburden themselves:
Say no when you can. Workers, especially those fearful of losing their jobs, often overcommit and end up with a to-do list that no single human could ever accomplish. Learn to say no when you can‚t possibly take on another task.

Talk to your boss
This one might be easier said than done, but most bosses want their employees to be happy and be good performers. If you‚re doing the job of two (or more) workers and you know you‚re about to buckle under the pressure, let your boss know. Don‚t whine and complain. Instead, lay out your dilemma and suggest ways to solve it. It‚s not an easy conversation to have, but it could make your job more manageable and your performance much better.

Find some time to unwind
When the phone‚s ringing off the hook, your inbox is overflowing with unanswered messages and your boss keeps asking you to work a little later, you feel boxed in. Find a way to take a breather, whether that means eating lunch outside, taking a 15-minute break a couple of times a day, or going to the gym before you head to work. Do something each day that lets you forget work and think about something else.

Find flexibility
Not all jobs have room for flexibility, but some do. If your boss will let you come in late and stay later or come in early and leave early, that could make your life easier. Or maybe you can work from home some days. Another suggestion might be to come in early and take an extended lunch to take a trip to the gym. Whatever works for you and suits your job, try it. A few little changes could help keep Œburn out‚ at bay.