Recruiters Suppliers

BasicNurscoInnovating Healthcare Recruitment
BasicDuuooDuuoo is a performance management platform for the 21st century: seamlessly integrated 1-...
BasicETZ PaymentsAutomate and streamline your back office processes with the most feature rich and...
BasicIntelligo Software LtdOver 20 years in business, Intelligo has been providing their own cutting edge corporate...

The users of our site are job-seekers and hiring companies. Job-seekers with various...

Links to resume centre and a list of the day's jobs for Bahrain.

BasicGULP - The Portal for IT-ProjectsGULP is a leading recruitment service provider in the areas of IT, engineering and...

Recruiterbox is the easiest way to receive and manage job applications to your company...

BasiceBoss Online Recruitment Solutions LtdeBoss is a multi-award winning recruitment software enterprise from Great Britain,...
BasicBlueprint Recruitment Limited“Deliver excellence and set the market standard”​
BasicPSI Talent ManagementPSI Talent Management is where people meet potential. PSI helps organisations attract,...
BasicLogicMelonLogicMelon is the smart recruitment solution for multi-posting, applicant tracking and...
BasicCentral Test - The Art of AssessmentCentral Test is one of the leading publishers of online psychometric tests in Europe,...
BasicKO2 RecruitmentKO2 is an electronics and embedded systems recruitment company. Experts in all parts of...
BasicThe Marketing JunctionWe are a specialist marketing agency and consultancy service solely for the recruitment...
BasicTalismaticTalismatic is a Competitive Intelligence Tool that empowers recruiters & talent...

Highly successful women's career website featuring progressive employers...


SnapHire, a New Zealand based e-recruitment vendor, provide recruitment software,...

BasicSmartRecruitersSmartRecruiters is an end to end Talent Acquisition Suite used by 3000+ companies.