Published byIndeed

Upping the tempo: A third of the UK's temporary workers began temping in the last six months — Indeed Flex data

Nearly a third of the UK's temporary workforce began temping in the last six months, according to data released today by Indeed Flex, the online marketplace for flexible and temporary work.

  • One in three (31%) temps took on shifts for the first time within the past six months, according to new data from Indeed Flex, the online marketplace for flexible and temporary work
  • The number of temporary workers aged 65 and over using Indeed Flex rose by 133% in 2023, while the number of temporary workers in their 30s rose by 61%
  • Nearly two fifths of temps (37%) say their main reason for choosing temporary work is to have more flexibility and control over the days and hours they work

Nearly a third of the UK's temporary workforce began temping in the last six months[1], according to data released today by Indeed Flex, the online marketplace for flexible and temporary work.

While one in three (31%) have only recently turned to temping, Indeed Flex’s research found that a fifth (18%) have worked in the temporary work sector for more than five years.

The findings come as the temping sector posted solid growth during 2023 - Indeed Flex has recorded a 24% surge in the number of workers using its platform over the past 12 months[2].

The biggest increase was recorded among workers aged 65 and above. The number of temps in this age group rose by 133% in 2024 compared to the start of 2023, echoing the ‘unretirement' trend seen last year as people aged between 50 and 64 who had previously stepped away from work returned to employment.

The number of Flexers aged between 30 and 39 increased at the second fastest rate, rising by 61% year on year.

According to nearly two fifths of temp workers (37%), their main reason for choosing temporary work is the high degree of flexibility it offers, and the freedom to juggle other responsibilities and their social life around work.

Soaring living costs have also boosted the popularity of temporary work in recent years. More than a third (36%) of temporary workers say their main reason for picking up shifts is to top up their income.

A quarter (23%) of people who temp do so as it offers shorter hours and 16% see it as an opportunity to acquire new skills.

Two fifths of temporary workers (22%) fit shifts around their hobbies. Nearly one in five (17%) work around childcare arrangements, and 12% schedule work around their caregiving responsibilities.

Novo Constare, CEO and Co-founder of Indeed Flex, said: 

“The face of the temporary worker continues to evolve as a more diverse mix of people get into temping.

“Each one will have their own reasons for choosing the temp lifestyle, but all benefit from the flexibility that temping offers, and the freedom to tailor their work schedule to suit their needs.

“Many integrate temporary work into their lives alongside part-time or full-time jobs, or other priorities such as childcare, caring for a loved one, education, entrepreneurship and even retirement.

“Temporary employment can serve as a long-term, sustainable source of income, and a fifth of the UK’s temping workforce have been consistently taking on shifts for more than five years.”