Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

71% of European workers admit to swearing at their boss!

In the latest survey results released by National Hug Your Boss Day in association with, 71% of European workers admit to swearing at their boss. This is in strike contrast to those surveyed in Asia where only 10% admitted to it

In the latest survey results released by National Hug Your Boss Day in association with, 71% of European workers admit to swearing at their boss. This is in strike contrast to those surveyed in Asia where only 10% admitted to it.

The survey quizzed employees across 5 Continents around the world. 52% in America admitted to using bad language in front of their boss, 23% in Australia and 13% in Africa.

As well as surveying global employees, the UK was split into territories. Employees in London & The South of England were the most rude with 82% admitting to swearing at their boss! Those in the North were the second most bad-mannered employees with 62% selecting YES followed by 61% in Scotland. Only 30% in the East swore, 42% in Wales, 54% in the West and 55% in Ireland. Could this be related to the longer hours’ people in London work and the more stress they are put under do you think?

National Hug Your Boss Day was created in 2008 by to promote healthy working relationships. It is being celebrated this year on Friday 4th September and calls for colleagues and managers to simply catch a hug on camera and share it! Corinne Hutchinson comments, “With most of your waking hours spent at work with colleagues and managers, we feel that it is best to create a happy environment to encourage morale and motivation which in turn will increase productivity in the workplace. Do not forget to get involved on the 4th and help promote this worthy cause.”