Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Worldís first wind-powered recruitment company targets the Renewable Energy community.


Green Energy demonstrates that recruitment companies can be as green and sustainable as anyone. Latitude 56 Ltd. the specialist recruitment software developers, recently relocated its head office to a rural off-grid location in Argyll, Scotland in order to be able to claim that it is powered by Renewable Energy alone.

David Clough, a co-founder of Green Energy has been living and working off-grid for 5 years.

ìBy demonstrating that it is possible to run a profitable international company using a small wind turbine and a bank of batteries, I like to think that we are playing our part in advocating the potential of Green Energy. I also hope that our green credentials will encourage those firms wishing to increase the amount of goods and services sourced from more sustainable sources, to be associated us.î

ìWe now operate our company and website using 100% Renewable Energy, in our case wind power. In the UK, this is only possible by going off-grid, as nuclear power and its coal and gas cousins provide the majority of the UKís grid supplyî.

As the Earth Summit recently demonstrated, there is a desperate need and desire for the planet to move toward both increased energy efficiency and to make the transfer from polluting energy sources to benign ones such as wind and wave. The encouraging fact is that most of the main electricity utilities, governments, and car manufactures have already embraced Renewable Energy into their forward plans, even if they have not yet fully adopted it.

There is already a good demand for engineers with experience in Renewable technologies and for those strategists and business managers who will steer the successful companies forward. This means that we are already there offering a dedicated and effective service before the growth curve starts to levitate.

At present, networks the following renewable energy job sites: