Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

TUC call for removal of UK opt-out from EU Working Time Directive

TUC call for removal of UK opt-out from EU Working Time Directive flies in face of the views of long hours workers -says CIPD

TUC call for removal of UK opt-out from EU Working Time Directive flies in face of the views of long hours workers - says CIPD

Responding to the TUC report suggesting that removing the UK’s opt-out from the EU Working Time Directive is essential to balance work and family life, Mike Emmott, CIPD Employee Relations Adviser, said:

Our research shows that the majority of people actually working over 48 hours per week choose to do so. The minority of British workers working long hours do not want the opt-out removed, and do not work long hours as a result of pressure from their employers. The TUC are addressing the right problem but they are proposing the wrong solution.

Senior managers and professionals, who are those most likely to be able to make informed choices about their hours, are also most likely to work beyond the 48-hour limit. Our survey shows that people wish to retain the freedom to work long hours and would not thank union officials who made it more difficult.

The issue of long hours working is complex, deep-seated and ingrained in the culture of organisations and cannot be addressed by a uniform ban. CIPD research shows that persistent long hours working can have negative effects, but these are best solved by employer measures such as flexible working arrangements rather than a blanket ban on long hours working. Even the TUC admit that employers agree to requests for flexible working in two out of three cases.