Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Top 5 Ways to Spot a Phishing Attack

Phishing attacks have not only increased in numbers, they have also become more of a threat to a greater number of businesses.

In light of the recent malicious phishing attacks that have plagued the UK, Geoff Haggart, VP Europe Websense, the employee internet management company, has put together the top 5 ways to spot a phishing attack, hopefully preventing future scams and raising awareness of the potenial threat posed against companies. The top things to look out for are:

* The absence of contact information
* No domain name
* Many hosted in China or South Korea
* No secure ordering process
* Reported by thousands of spam engines

Phishing attacks have not only increased in numbers, they have also become more of a threat to a greater number of businesses. Dan Hubbard from Websense has highlighted that a new trend in phishing has emerged, We are starting to see more and more phishing sites which are not targetting specific financial institutes, but are targetting general ecommerce. We have seen ífakeí online banks, sporting good stores, and pharmacyís, demonstrating that the attacks are becoming more dangerous to a greater number of businesses.

Tomorrow, Websense will be launching its Security Labs service, designed to deliver immediate, proactive analysis and alerts on malicious web-based attacks allowing companies to become better informed about future threats.