Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Shock from recruitment industry over DfE plans to abolish safeguarding children Quality Mark

Today the Department for Education announced their intentions to discontinue the DfE Quality Mark Scheme from 31st March 2013

Today the Department for Education announced their intentions to discontinue the  DfE Quality Mark Scheme from 31st March 2013.  The Quality Mark was first launched in July 2002 to help drive up standards in the education recruitment sector. The Quality Mark sets minimum standards for supply teaching agencies like how they interview, the vetting procedures when placing staff in to schools and much more.

In response to this Director and owner of Aspire People, a supply teaching agency in the Midlands said: "The Quality Mark is recognised as an important badge of best practice by LEAs, schools, parents and recruitment agencies. It is the only legitimate way of auditing the education recruitment industry, has raised the standards of supply teachers and ensured that recruitment agencies are carrying out the necessary safeguarding and vetting checks properly. Further to this agencies will no longer be accountable."

Aspire People's Operations & HR Manager, Daniel Dawkins said: "We are keen for the Recruitment Employment Confederation to develop a new audit scheme to go live from April 2013 which QM holders can transfer on to. We are having a webinar this Friday with QM and REC regarding this."

The Recruitment Employment Confederation (REC) are writing to Michael Gove and David Laws to ask them to reconsider the decision.