Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Personality worth more than two Aís and a B

UK employers call for individuality over academic grades

Strong academic results are a secondary priority for employers when it comes to hiring staff, research has revealed.

According to Parity, the resourcing and recruitment specialist, personality and cultural fit are now more important criteria for employers. Furthermore, UK businesses are more impressed by ësoft skillsí such as negotiation, problem solving, presentation and interpersonal communication than top grades alone.

The research, which analysed close to 7,000 vacancies and placements in the last 12 months, found that interpersonal communication was the most sought after skill by employers. Second to that was relevant experience. Academic grades and educational qualifications, on average, were the third criteria to be mentioned.

ìAt a time when it seems as though academic results have the potential to shape the career of school leavers, it is interesting that A-levels are now only one of many criteria assessed by recruiters,î said Joe Kelly, managing director of Parityís Resourcing Solutions Division. ìIt is becoming more difficult for employers to differentiate between potential graduates and candidates and they are now focussing on other aspects, such as personality and cultural fit.î

Parity suggests school leavers should ensure they also develop their interpersonal skills as well as achieving excellent A level grades. Taking a gap year for example is viewed very favourably by employers as it can provide for a valuable life experience which helps to make individuals more well-rounded.

ìIt is refreshing to know that businesses are realising the value of so many employees that arenít necessarily evident on paper. Aís and Bís arenít always the be all and end all when it comes to a career,î he continued.