Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec moves up the world site rankings.

to 19,817 up from 20,050 last week

19,817 up from 20,050 last week

Here at we are having difficulty containing our excitement about the latest rise in the Alexa rankings for

We have been tracking our Alexa ranking here at onrec for the last year, and have found them to be an interesting indication of any sites traffic, including our own.

We have, and still are, steadily climbing the rankings, without any manipulation, due to the increase in traffic on Part of the reason for the increase in traffic is that we have been added to the Google and Moreover news searches. Google has 4000 sites that it searches every 15 minutes for news, whilst Moreover supply news letters and the news search for ask jeeves.

We have also embarked on a strategy to increase the depth of online recruitment news by working with content partners in other countries. In the last month we have established content partnerships in Canada, USA, Ireland, Germany, Dubai, China and Australia. We hope to build on this platform of partners in the coming months.

Its possible to compare our sites ranking with any other, by following this link.

What Alexa say about themselves:

Alexa is continually crawling all publicly available websites to create a series of snapshots of the web. We use the data we collect to create features and services that are integrated parts of the free Alexa service:

Site Data: Provides information, news, and statistics about web sites Related Links: Sites that are similar to the one you are currently viewing We are currently gathering in excess of 250 gigabytes of information per day. Our crawling does not interfere with a server's normal activity. Alexa has been gathering this information since early 1996, and we have continually increased the amount of information that we gather.

The Alexa service is derived from the data we collect. We use a number of techniques to find information about websites to create our Site Data and Related Links features.

Site Stats

As an Alexa user navigates to a website or web page, the Alexa service retrieves data about the page the user is requesting. We gather information from a number of sources, then organize it to be presented by the Alexa Service, helping the user to be better informed about the site he/she is viewing.

The service lists who registered the domain name and when they registered it, giving our users an idea of who is behind the site they are viewing. By analyzing the data we receive from our updated snapshots of the web, we can tell our users how their traffic ranks in comparison to other websites and how many other sites link to that site. We can also derive a popularity rating from our user base and share that rating with our community of users.

Our goal for the Site Stats feature of Alexa is to help our users navigate the web more efficiently by giving them all the information they need to make informed decisions about the sites they visit.