Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Jobsstore announce partnership with The Fuller CV

By creating a partnership with The Fuller CV, Jobsstore aims to enhance the quality of registered CVís on their database

Jobsstore aims to provide all registered candidates with career tools to help them market themselves effectively. On top of this Jobsstore is keen to offer clients a quality database of job seekers that have excellent CVís and job-hunting skills and techniques. The company aims to promote a quality response for all clients.

The Fuller CV composes quality CVs designed to promote individuals. They also offer bespoke career solutions that span Executive Career Coaching and professional enhancement tools to include Psychometric Testing, 5 year Action Plans and Non-Exec Directorship assistance. The company boasts 52 years combined expertise in HR and Recruitment where clients are advised on individual career solutions. Consultants in the company are seasoned professionals, experienced working in vertical markets together with extensive recruitment expertise. Advice that is offered is solid and they work with candidates to provide compelling career tools for future success.

By creating a partnership with The Fuller CV, Jobsstore aims to enhance the quality of registered CVís on the database, help candidates to sell themselves effectively and ultimately benefit all clients in the short and long run.

The partnership allows Jobsstore to offer a FREE CV review by The Fuller CV to every registered user. Take advantage of this now by registering on the website at and following the appropriate links.