Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Expedient Training Consultancy Seminars in London, Birmingham and Manchester

Expedient Training Consultancy announces Seminars in London, Birmingham and Manchester to introduce the NEW Recruitment Training Framework

BOOK NOW - FREE regional seminars to introduce this exciting offering to the recruitment industry at the following locations:

  • London - 3rd June – Room 101, Birkbeck University of London, 30 Russell Square, WC1B 5DP (10am or 2pm)
  • Birmingham - 4th June – The Saffron Centre, 256 Moseley Road, Highgate, Birmingham, B12 0BS (1pm)
  • Manchester - 5th June – Manchester Conference Centre, Weston Building, Sackville St, Manchester, M1 3BB (10am)

Tickets and places can be booked for the above events via INSTITUTE OF RECRUITERS EVENTS and looking for "NEW Recruitment Apprenticeships and Workforce Development Programmes" or by calling Expedient Training on 0333 3442 660

Please click to see our Marketing Brochures

During the last 18 months Apprenticeships and Work Based Training programmes have experienced a huge make over and are now regarded as a real recruitment and training strategy/career option. The CFA (Council for Administration), IOR (Institute of Recruiters), Expedient Training and other key stakeholders have developed a Recruitment Apprenticeship at level 3 and 4 specifically for our industry.

For the first time, employers and apprentices can take advantage of the excellent training these apprenticeships provide. The Nationally recognised qualifications are FULLY FUNDED and during these sessions representatives of Expedient Training will speak in detail about how your organisation large or small can benefit from quality, recruitment specific and most importantly fully funded programmes. Expedient Training is delighted to be sponsored by the Institute of Recruiters at these events.

Existing staff of all ages as well as new apprentices are currently eligible to enrol on the 12 month training programme (FULLY FUNDED – subject to eligibility criteria). The training includes subjects such as assessing candidates, coaching and supporting candidates, building relationships with clients, understanding sales in recruitment and understanding how to effectively market job roles.

This first sector specific apprenticeship is being backed by a unique partnership made up of Expedient Training, industry body The Institute of Recruiters (IOR) and awarding body Skillsfirst.

Learners will have full access to Recruitment Juice's online Platform as well as training delivered by The Institute of Recruiters Academy to achieve the Certificate in Recruitment Practice (part of the programme framework) in partnership with Expedient Training Consultancy.

Learners undertaking the apprenticeship through Expedient Training Consultancy will have access to the Institute of Recruiters advanced learning and training materials to achieve the Certificate in Recruitment Practice (part of the programme framework).

Take a look at some of the press coverage the Recruitment Training Programme has received. CLICK

We hope to see you in JUNE, however if you wish to discuss this sooner then please call us on 0333 3442 660.