Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Actuarial Post Website Is Launched

The Actuarial Post launches a new News and Careers website with Zero-One Design's Jobs Board Website System

The Actuarial Post combines comprehensive daily news updates alongside articles written by actuaries for our actuarial readership. The site is designed to become not only a first stop repository of papers on specialist fields within the actuarial marketplace but also the most comprehensive. Split into 4 distinct and relevant sections of Life, Pensions, GI and Investment. Each section allows actuaries to immediately target the arena that they operate in whilst still maintaining a general interest in other areas and company news as they navigate from the home page.

The aim is to provide a FREE website that allows our readership to fully immerse themselves in all aspects of the actuarial community, whether it is by downloading articles of interest or contributing pieces themselves. Unique features such as ActuaryMole, providing up to the minute news items from across the spectrum of actuarial firms and consultancy’s, to the new contributory WikiActuary, which once more will be made by actuaries for actuaries which will ensure more unique users per day as well as increasing the readership database.

In addition to a completely interactive website for our readers, they will include features of a weekly Newsletter and a monthly Digital magazine. The digital magazine in particular has many specialist features that they feel will not only inform but entertain our readership. In addition they also have a fully functioning Job Board; whilst comprehensive it is by no means the main focus of the site which will concentrate on news and events over that of Jobs within the main site and attendant satellite productions.

The readership database that will be approached already numbers in the region of 8,760 and with a comprehensive marketing strategy already in place the Actuarial Post will be updating the media kit in the very near future with figures on unique visitors, page impressions and click throughs. The launch of the Actuarial Post will see articles from major companies, consultancies and leading figures within the actuarial community and will continue to provide a publication that is written by actuaries for actuaries.

Their new uses the core functionality of Zero-One Design’s powerful jobs board system, is fully updateable and includes new job search functionality, jobs by email systems, social media marketing tools and third party job posting to a number of third party jobs boards. The website was created by Zero-One Design, recruitment website design specialists, based in Tamworth, Staffs.

Visit and see for yourself.?