Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

What can SalesHeads do for you - 10/2001


Based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, tragedies such as those that occurred on September 11th hit all too close to home for those of us at And, as irony would have it, was built and hosted by a company in the World Trade Center. By some miracle of grace, our site actually sits on servers located 2 blocks away from the WTC. So, our site kept running and continues to run today. But, more importantly, all of our support people at the WTC got out of the building. For those that didnít and the people that love them, our prayers are with you. has now become one of the largest Internet job boards focusing exclusively on sales and marketing professionals. We generate over 1 million hits each month and add over 1000 new jobs per month.

For you recruiters out there who have visited us and registered with us, but have not posted any jobs with us, thereís no time like the present. offers a very cost effective means of putting your sales and marketing openings in front of thousands of qualified jobseekers. We can cost justify (thereís an old sales term for ya!) our job postings down to less than $25 a month per posting. Very little buck. Very much bang. For those of you who havenít been there.......go, already. Look.

If youíre a sales or marketing manager, a CEO, a VP of Sales, a VP of Marketing, a truck driver, a nurse (just kidding about being a truck driver or a nurse, we had to make sure you were still paying attention) or any other kind of decision maker, you need to let your recruiting staff know about SalesHeads. Everybody else already knows.