Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

How to effectively communicate with copywriters

Having a Superstar copywriter can be the difference between making or breaking your advertising strategy.

Having a Superstar copywriter can be the difference between making or breaking your advertising strategy.  Content that is written by a great copywriter can be the difference between getting that email or a call from a perfect customer, or having that same customer bounce off your  website after 5 seconds of landing. So, how do you recognize a legendary copywriter in the sea of good copywriters?

Copywriters by nature are quite versatile in producing unique content. In most cases, they have dealt with various business advertising requests, and a bunch of other requests that involve what you actually need from them – Perfect content. This means that these professionals are quite capable of communicating effectively with customers, regardless of the sphere, and they know how to read your ideas and turn them into selling content. 

How Finding the Right Copywriter can Benefit Your Business

Many business owners are guided by the thought that putting a few words is a piece of cake and that they can do it easily by themselves… In reality, it is much more complicated and there are many things that need to be considered while writing a selling content. Hiring someone who knows what he/she is doing, will have a huge positive impact on your business. Here are the main reasons why you need to hire a copywriter for your business advertising campaign.

They can figure out exactly what you are selling

A great copywriter knows that your customers connect with the content with emotions, not through a bunch of dry information and pros and cons of a product. "Therefore, the writer will not just create content or write college assignments for you, he will suggest a hundred and one idea how to create a selling content, which angle to take, how to sell and what your business is actually selling.". The copywriter will find the best way to express how your business is changing the lives of your customers, whether it’s making more money, finding happiness, fighting for prestige.

A  Great copywriter will find the perfect audience for your business

Great copywriters can really connect with the audience. The first few things copywriters ask themselves is who are they delivering their message to? What drives them? How can I connect with their language?

Furthermore, copywriters know that if they want to persuade people to do or buy something, they need to use the language the targeted audience uses each day, how they think. A skillful copywriter can adjust his language, message, and voice, to match the any given audience.

A Superstar copywriter will keep your message simple

Keeping it simple is the key and a great copywriter knows that.  Many business owners with a complex product or service, come to a dead end when they try to involve their audience in complex topics. Copywriters are best when it comes to keeping your message simple, even if it’s rocket science. They know that even the most complicated ideas are best explained simply.

Why should we keep it simple, interesting and slightly personal

As we just explained, keeping it simple is the most important thing when trying to win the audience. It allows the reader and potential customer, to connect with what you are trying to sell. But, just because something is simple, it doesn’t mean it will keep them interested. That is why your content needs to be interesting to read as well. That means creating a story that will make the reader want to finish it and not get bored after the first paragraph.

 Also, it should be with a slight personal touch as this makes the reader connect with emotions and with your idea. They will think “these guys are like me, we actually understand each other”, and that builds a bond between you and your audience and makes them trust you. 

Create a bridge between the marketing team and the copywriters

Your marketing team is there to investigate the market and find the best ideas how to sell what your business offers. However, your copywriters are the ones that need to turn their ideas into words that will convince your auditorium to buy what you are selling. If each team is working on its own and there’s no cooperation between them, it will create a gap between marketing ideas and actual content on your website.

Therefore, you need to create a bridge between your marketing team and your copywriters. They should work together, share their ideas and suggestion, in order to find a mutual language that will best represent your business, yet attract customers and sell.

Features of a good copywriter and what they should bring to the table

Here is what a top-notch copywriter should posses.

Research Wizzard

In most cases, copywriters have to shift from one client and his needs to another client and his different needs. Many times, this also means that they have to switch between different niches. For example, at one moment, they can work as a writer for a “Write my essay”website, and the next, they are writing product reviews for a humidifier review website. Therefore, a great copywriter needs to be able to pick up speed as fast as possible, and that means that he needs to be a research wizard and to be able to get the idea of the niches fast.

They need to be well informed

Copywriter gurus should have a great understanding of the modern world. They should understand how the audience  has a tendency to skip headlines that are not eye catching. And that is why making attention-grabbing headline should be very important to them so that they can improve the marketing objectives and sales. Also, they should know how important keywords and SEO, and be well versed in those as well.

They need to take critique well

Never taking feedback from the clients or other team members into consideration is not something a great copywriter should do. This kind of behavior will lead to productivity drop and a bad atmosphere in the team, which will reflect on your business. Great copywriters should stand their ground, but also be aware that sometimes, others might be right too.

Perfectionist? Not

What makes a great copywriter, well, great, is the ability to realize that even though it is a noble thing to do, chasing perfection is not productive. A copywriter should know that he can tweak the content forever, but he should also know that when something seems good enough, it usually means that it is good enough and that trying to make it perfect is a waste of time and it might just end up worse at the end.

Wrapping it up!

So, by now, you definitely realized that a copywriter can make or break your business website with his content. Therefore, you understand how important it is for you to have a great copywriter, to establish great communication, and connect the whole team together so that they help each other in pushing the limits and becoming better. 

We are pretty sure that what you learned here today, will help you in finding that perfect copywriter that will help you in making your business a well recognized brand, and that that writer will even help you in improving your ideas and grow and evolve together with your business.