Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Don’t spend a fortune – staff want early finish Fridays and flexible hours

New research on office workers show the perks people want and get

  • A quarter of office workers say that the simple ‘early finish Fridays’ would motivate them the most
  • More than 1 in 10 office workers don’t get any perks
  • More than a third of office workers would consider changing jobs due to the perks on offer

A lot of employers have the perception that offering staff benefits has to cost a fortune, but new research from Paymentsense shows that it’s not the expensive perks that employees actually want. The research, conducted on 2,000 full time office workers, from across the UK, shows that the main perks that staff want are an early finish on a Friday, flexible hours and a free day off here and there, either for birthday, duvet day or moving day.

Obviously, there are some perks that can cost money but research shows that at least 6 of the top 10 don’t have to cost a lot, but will make a lot of difference. Below are the top ten perks people want;

  • Early finish Fridays 35%
  • Unlimited holiday 35%
  • Bonuses (company wide) 32%
  • Flexible hours 30%
  • Day off for duvet day/birthday holiday/moving house holiday 28%
  • Performance based bonuses 25%
  • Gym membership 22%
  • Remote working 21%
  • Free fruit/snacks 18%
  • Extra training 15%

Keeping staff happy needs to be priority for businesses it can majorly effect productivity levels, and Paymentsense research shows that 1 in 10 office workers don’t get any perks. Further to this, two thirds of people who gave themselves a work happiness rating of 2/10 would consider changing jobs just because of the perks on offer – employers need to be careful! Offering to finish just a couple of hours early on a Friday could help save staff from leaving.

The top 5 perks that staff want to improve their motivation are below;

  • Early finish Fridays 26%
  • Unlimited holiday 25%
  • Bonuses (company wide) 24%
  • Flexible hours 22%
  • Performance based bonus 21%

Interestingly, some Brits would even sacrifice some of their salary to get certain work perks. More than 1 in 5 workers would sacrifice up to 15% of their salary so they could have flexible working!