
Australian JobSearch (AJS) provides a new way for job seekers to search for a job. Our aim is to give all job seekers the best possible access to the biggest choice of jobs. Our national vacancy database contains: <br>
Every job listed with every Job Network Service around the country; <br>
Jobs advertised in some national newspapers; <br>
Jobs listed in the Commonwealth Public Service gazette; <br>
Jobs lodged directly by employers using our advertise a job service; and <br>
Jobs from RCSA (Recruitment and Consulting Services Association). <br>
Australian JobSearch: <br>
Can also help you find a Job Network Service and New Apprenticeships Centre; <br>
Has a listing of work for the dole projects and seasonal work available around the country; and <br>
Provides links to the 'Harvest Trail', 'SkillSearch' and 'Job Outlook' sub <br>

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