

Employment911.com is a fast easy way for you to post a job simultaneously on up to 3,500 different job sites. Not only does your job get posted on major Internet sites and newsgroups. It also goes to colleges, universities, vocational schools, technical schools and placement offices. This service reaches 3 times more job seekers than the top 10 job sites combined! (Over 50 million job seekers total)<br>
When you post your job on Employment911.com it is automatically scanned by our system and posted on additional sites specifically relating to the type of job and the geographic area of the job. This provides you with qualified applicants from the areas you prefer and avoids the problem of having too many applicants who are not qualified or simply not living in the right area.<br>
You will also receive 30 days of unlimited resume searches with any job posted.<br>
Post your job now.<br>

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